Second Grade Perks: Christmas in July Day 5 and Daily 5 Bookmark Rotations


Monday, July 22, 2013

Christmas in July Day 5 and Daily 5 Bookmark Rotations

I have been trying to come up with a neat way to do daily 5 rotations. I know the idea is for them to pick their choice but it was a nightmare last year. I don't know if it was because it was the first year I used daily 5 or what but I tried checklists, clip charts, etc. and didn't like any of it. I found an awesome idea on how to do rotations by using bookmarks.

Now, I'm not exactly happy with how mine turned out because I used the fast draft print to save ink since I have SOOOO much to print this summer so they aren't as bright as I wanted but you gotta save where you can right?

I got this idea and how to print the bookmarks from another blog. If you know who it is please comment so I can give them credit. Since I don't know the name of the blog to direct you to I am going to attempt to explain everything here and how to create these bookmarks.

Here's the idea: If you notice they each start with a different choice at the top. There will be six blue book marks that start with Word Work, six purple that start with Work on Writing, etc. The students will all get a bookmark (of their choice) on Monday. I will have three rotations per day with four groups that will work like this:

rotation 1:Everyone will do the first choice on their bookmark as I walk and just observe.
rotation 2: I will meet with a group as the other groups go to the second choice on their bookmark. I am hoping to have my teacher's assistant working with a second group.
rotation 3:The groups will switch and my assistant and I will work with the other two groups and the groups we were previously with will do the second choice on their bookmark.

rotation 1:Everyone will do the third choice on their bookmark as I walk and just observe.
rotation 2: I will meet with a group as the other groups go to the fourth choice on their bookmark.  Teacher's assistant working with a second group.
rotation 3:The groups will switch and my assistant and I will work with the other two groups and the groups we were previously with will do the fourth choice on their bookmark.

rotation 1:Everyone will do the fifth choice on their bookmark as I walk and just observe.{AFTER THIS ROTATION IS WHEN THEY WILL CHOOSE A DIFFERENT COLOR BOOKMARK SINCE THEY HAVE COMPLETED ALL 5 CHOICES}
rotation 2: I will meet with a group as the other groups go to the first choice on their new bookmark. Teacher's assistant working with a second group.
rotation 3:The groups will switch and my assistant and I will work with the other two groups and the groups we were previously with will do the first choice on their new bookmark.

rotation 1:Everyone will do the second choice on their bookmark as I walk and just observe.
rotation 2: I will meet with a group as the other groups go to the third choice on their bookmark. Teacher's assistant working with a second group.
rotation 3:The groups will switch and my assistant and I will work with the other two groups and the groups we were previously with will do the third choice on their bookmark.

This will be our assessment day. They still have the fourth and fifth choices on their bookmark that they will get to complete after assessments if time allows. On Monday they will select new bookmarks and we start again.

I have not used this in my room yet but it sounds awesome to me!

Now here is how to print the bookmarks.
1-Find a set of daily 5 posters on TPT {there are tons of free ones}The ones I used came from {HERE}.
2. Click print and change pages per sheet to custom 1 by 5.
3. Check the bubble that lets you select the page numbers to print. Enter the page numbers in the order you want your bookmark separated by commas. For example your first bookmark might be 1,2,3,4,5. If you slide the bar under the preview picture it will show you what your bookmark will look like.
4. Now just print however many you want with that choice on top.
5. Change the order of the pages printed so a new choice will rotate to the top. For example, now you might put 2,3,4,5,1.
6. Slide the bar and preview then print again.
7. Continue doing this until you have all the bookmarks you need.

Super simple. Attach to construction paper and laminate!

Now on to day 5 of Christmas in July. I am putting 2 more products 20% off. The first is my best selling product: Common Core Math For The Year.

This product contains 347 pages of posters, games, centers, craftivites, and so much more for every one of the 2nd grade math common core standards that you can get today only for just $15. Click on the pictures and download the preview for more samples of what's included.

The next product I want to put on sale today is Safari Adventure.  Click {HERE} to read all about this and see tons of pictures. My class took a week long safari. Everything we did during this week was safari related and they LOVED it. Everything is aligned to 2nd grade reading, language, and math CCSS and there are a lot of craftivities and games.  Here are a few pics:

Make sure you have liked me on facebook. Just a reminder that the free item of the week is still the back to school crayon craftivity! If you're a fan you will get to see first hand what the new item will be next week!

Stop by these blogs to find out what other great deals you can get today!


  1. Great post Heather! I have seen the bookmarks somewhere but don't remember where. I have tried many rotation systems too. The one I found easiest is when a stuffed animal circulates the room for turn-taking. I should post about how that works! We have a rule of five (kids) at each station. Once full, the students simply have to go somewhere else. We color in a choice chart when complete. It's a freebie at my store!

    Creative Lesson Cafe

  2. I think you got the bookmarks idea from Stephanie at Third Grade Thoughts: Pretty much any great Daily 5 or Whole Brain Teaching idea I use comes from her blog :) Thanks for sharing how you do things, though! Always helps to hear about another classroom's Daily 5 tweaks!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
