So a one of my favs would have to be my morning work basket bundle. This bundle covers your morning work from August to May and all you have to do is print laminate and make a few copies at the beginning of the month. Nothing else to worry about. That's what I LOVE about it {not to mention it is aligned to 2nd grade CCSS}. There are sheets to get your students through each day each month. I used this with my class last year and I LOVED it. It made my life so much easier and I could grab some grades when I needed them. It was a win win!
Another thing I can't wait to use again that made my life easier last year are my ELA and Math CCSS assessments. After I taught a skill I would pull that short assessment to see who mastered it and mark them off on the tracking sheet that is included. That way when it was time for intervention I looked back to see what kids I needed to pull for what skill to get more help. AND it has CCSS posters and student version "I can" posters.
I couldn't do without back to school centers. Make sure you check out my new and revised Back to School Math and Literacy centers.
Math Centers
Add the Wheels-basic addition facts
School Supply Mix Up-basic subtraction facts
Skipping Apples-skip counting by 2s, 5, 10s
What Time-time to the hour and half hour
Even or Odd-two digit numbers
Who's Greater-greatest to least and least to greatest with 2 digit numbers
Literacy Centers
Noun Sort-person, place, or thing
Fix Me-correcting missing punctuation at the end of sentences and capital letters
Ripped Homophones-matching homophone pairs
Fishin' for Compounds-compound word match
ABC Order-to the first letter
Now for the freebie. If you like my facebook page you can grab the math center "Add the Wheels" (basic addition facts) from my Back to School Math and Literacy centers.
Have a fantastic week!

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