Second post of the day for me. Whew!! Well I had to post twice because as mentioned last Friday I am doing a facebook free product surprise. Each day this week I will put one of my TPT products for free for a limited amount of time. Make sure you follow me on bloglovin so you can find out which product is free each day and become a fan on facebook to be able to snag your free product. Lori Raines commented on my post from Friday that she would like to see any of my common core products for free. So..... you got it. For the next hour (possibly longer) like my facebook page and get your free 132 page Common Core Number and Operations in Base Ten packet! It is part of my Common Core for the Year Bundle and one of my best sellers.
Here is what all comes in the pack:
Number and Operations in Base Ten Pre and Post Test
Place Value Mini Poster
Place Value Pencils
Peanut Place Value
Skip Counting Shazam
The Skip Counting Garden
Number Form Match
Check Out My Form
Compare Me
Pre and Post Tests
Addition and Subtraction Fishing
Tic Tac Toe Math
Adding up Butterflies Game and Craftivity
What To Do
What's More or Less
More or Less Picnic
Most activities include a corresponding recording sheet for students to complete when finished.
Hope you enjoy! Click on the picture below to go to my facebook page {click on fan freebies}. Then click on the picture below that to follow me on Bloglovin. Make sure you check back tomorrow for the next free product!

Wow, wow, wow! This is a super generous offer, Heather. :)
The Brown-Bag Teacher
I need.a.FB account! Pronto :)
My Second Sense
This is AWESOME!! Thank you so MUCH!!
Mrs. Polman