When I was working on this set of cards I starting thinking how great would it be for each kid to have a copy of common letter teams and what sounds they make for when they are reading independently. I took my mini posters, made them black and white, and put several to a page. I haven't decided yet, but I am considering laminating each child's copy so I can use them for several years. They can keep them in their book bags (Daily Five) and refer to them when they aren't in my small group. I decided to make a version with 9 to a page and a version with 6 to a page so you can use the one that works best for your class.
The mini posters come in 2 versions as well. There is a set with 4 to a page and a set with 2 to a page.
In honor of spring break I am throwing a 20% off sale through Friday. Make sure you pick up my new spring math centers. You can get this 152 page packet with 12 common core aligned math centers for only $4.80.
Or my brand new Daily Calendar Routine. This 258 page product that is regularly priced at $10.00 is now only $8.00. What a great deal!! You can read all about this item here.
Tons of other great prices on my items as well. Hope everyone has a great spring break!!

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