Saturday, April 27, 2013
Teachers Notebook Event
Has anyone else read about the Teachers Notebook May Teaching Tips Event? It is something new they are doing (I think. I have never heard anything about it before now) and it officially launches today through May 17th. You can purchase a ticket for only $10.00 and with it you get over $100 of resources from 8 top teachers. You get video tips for Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day. You also get the products that go along with each teacher's video. You can click on the picture below to see more about each presenter and what is included with your $10.00. This may be something I have to try out myself. I could have my month of May covered in my classroom. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Time for Multiplication
We recently ended our unit on multiplication. I felt great after we tested because ALL of my students mastered the skill! YEAH!! I wanted to share with you a little of what we did. Some of it was from my little multiplication unit from my TPT shop and some activities are from the well known Amy Lemons. On the first day we learned the words we would need to know by reviewing these mini posters.
We made multiplication hands.
One day we made multiplication fry boxes. We laid these out on our desks and rotated around to everyone's desk and wrote the answer to each multiplication sentence.
In our small group we played this array game. Students get to place birds on the grid and make an array that could be up to 5 X 5.
Next, they had to use number cards to create the multiplication and repeated addition sentence and include the answer at the bottom.
We did some more fun games and crafts for the remainder of the week and did I mention that all of my students mastered the skill. Just a little proud of my babies for that one!
Next, we made our marvelous multiplication bulletin board. The students got a mushroom template and added the groups to create a multiplication sentence.
The following day we went into the hallway and they had to answer each of their peers' multiplication sentence.
One day we made multiplication fry boxes. We laid these out on our desks and rotated around to everyone's desk and wrote the answer to each multiplication sentence.
We did some more fun games and crafts for the remainder of the week and did I mention that all of my students mastered the skill. Just a little proud of my babies for that one!

Monday, April 22, 2013
The Great Product Swap {Raining Three Digit Operations}
It's that time again.....The Great Product Swap.
I had the great privilege of swapping products with Jessica from Apples and Papers. She let me try her product Raining Three Digit Operations and let me tell you it is pretty stinkin' awesome!!
There are several small group activities such as Leveling Up where students race to complete a problem and be the one to move up levels being the first one to reach level six. The kids loved the racing part.
One of my favs from the packet was a spinner game where students spin a hundreds, tens, and ones, spinner to create two three digit numbers to add or subtract.
Also included but I didn't get a picture of is a Scoot game and a Show What You Know page I used as an assessment. I loved how there were small and whole group activities included. Overall a hit with my second graders!!
Make sure you check out Jessica's blog tonight. She is reviewing one of my best selling products: Common Core Language.
I had the great privilege of swapping products with Jessica from Apples and Papers. She let me try her product Raining Three Digit Operations and let me tell you it is pretty stinkin' awesome!!
There are several small group activities such as Leveling Up where students race to complete a problem and be the one to move up levels being the first one to reach level six. The kids loved the racing part.
Another super cute game was connect four. I laminated the playing boards and had mine answer all problems with a dry erase marker and then play to get four in a row.
One of my favs from the packet was a spinner game where students spin a hundreds, tens, and ones, spinner to create two three digit numbers to add or subtract.
There were also some whole group activities that get the kiddos up and moving such as I Spy With My Subtracting Eye where kids go around the room solving subtracting problems.
Make sure you check out Jessica's blog tonight. She is reviewing one of my best selling products: Common Core Language.
Now I have to get busy checking out all of the other product reviews!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
A Week of Measurement
We just completed our week of measurement. I wanted to share a few things we did. First we made measurement aliens using a glyph. They had to draw so many arms, eyes, legs, etc. and make them so many inches or centimeters based on their answers. They came out so cute and some even named their alien.
On the last day we made measurement mansions. They were told how long or wide each part of the mansion had to be.
In our small group we played a chutes and ladders type game using measurement word problems.
If students got finished early during the day they had the option to complete a measurement task card.
These activities can be found in my common core measuring packet which is a section taken from my common core measurement and data packet.
And to leave you 2nd grade teachers with a question. What multiplication facts do you have your students learn before 3rd grade. I am thinking of asking mine to learn 0-5, but do you make them only learn each of those up to times 5 or each of those up to times 10? Hope that made sense. Also does anyone have any fun ways of keeping up with what facts they have mastered? I have heard of the ice cream sundae where they get the bowl for learning 0s, the spoon for learning 1s, and so on. Any other ideas? Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Phonics Cards + A 20% Off Sale
I have always had a set of phonics cards on the wall by my small group reading table, but the clip art is not all that cute, so my mission was to create a new set.
When I was working on this set of cards I starting thinking how great would it be for each kid to have a copy of common letter teams and what sounds they make for when they are reading independently. I took my mini posters, made them black and white, and put several to a page. I haven't decided yet, but I am considering laminating each child's copy so I can use them for several years. They can keep them in their book bags (Daily Five) and refer to them when they aren't in my small group. I decided to make a version with 9 to a page and a version with 6 to a page so you can use the one that works best for your class.
These posters match my polka dot alphabet posters. If you purchase the phonics cards before this Saturday and comment on this post with your email address I will send you the alphabet posters for free.
In honor of spring break I am throwing a 20% off sale through Friday. Make sure you pick up my new spring math centers. You can get this 152 page packet with 12 common core aligned math centers for only $4.80.
Tons of other great prices on my items as well. Hope everyone has a great spring break!!
When I was working on this set of cards I starting thinking how great would it be for each kid to have a copy of common letter teams and what sounds they make for when they are reading independently. I took my mini posters, made them black and white, and put several to a page. I haven't decided yet, but I am considering laminating each child's copy so I can use them for several years. They can keep them in their book bags (Daily Five) and refer to them when they aren't in my small group. I decided to make a version with 9 to a page and a version with 6 to a page so you can use the one that works best for your class.
The mini posters come in 2 versions as well. There is a set with 4 to a page and a set with 2 to a page.
In honor of spring break I am throwing a 20% off sale through Friday. Make sure you pick up my new spring math centers. You can get this 152 page packet with 12 common core aligned math centers for only $4.80.
Or my brand new Daily Calendar Routine. This 258 page product that is regularly priced at $10.00 is now only $8.00. What a great deal!! You can read all about this item here.
Tons of other great prices on my items as well. Hope everyone has a great spring break!!

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