We are finishing up author's purpose this week so we completed an author's purpose gallery walk. How this works is I assign each student either entertain, persuade, or inform and they have to write at least 3 sentences in their speech bubble that matches. Then they draw their self under their speech bubble. Next, the kiddos walk around the room with a page that I will provide for you below where they read each speech bubble and tell what that person is trying to do. For example, they might write Madeline is trying to inform.
After we have visited everyone's desk we read them out loud and tell the class what we were really trying to do as they check their answers. I give them a star with their word (inform, persuade, entertain) and they attach it to their speech bubble and picture. The kids love this. You don't really need a lot but click {HERE} to get what you will need.
Click {HERE} to get the clock faces I used for this. Just ignore the first and last page. You only need page 2.
I also made a telling time to the 5 mintues scoot game that you can download from {HERE} for free as well.
Have a great night. One more day left for me before break. YAY!!
Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong.

Thanks for the author's purpose gallery walk! I am going to use it after Thanksgiving break! Many thanks!