Today I want to share two more things I could not do without in my classroom on a daily basis. The first are our Daily 5 boxes. I love Daily 5 and I love how these boxes keep my students organized. I wanted to share a few things I have my students keep in their boxes.
1. Check marks to help us remember to check for understanding. You can get so many of these free on TPT. I got mine{HERE} and copied on neon card stock and laminated.
2. All of my students keep a daily 5 spiral notebook in thier box to help keep them accountable for that they do at their center. They are required to put the date at the top. If they go to word work they must list the words they practice even if they use magnetic letters or play dough. Of course writing work goes in the notebook. Also, in these notebooks are:
3. Interesting words tracker. I use the free one found {HERE}. It is glued in the front of their notebook.
4. When they go to read to self or read to someone they have to do a reading response choice. The free one I use came from {HERE}. I copied it on bright paper and laminated.
5. Coaching or Time bookmarks {HERE} Also laminated.
6. My students get 3 books in their box and they get to change when they have filled out a response for each one.
7. Phonics guide. These are part of my phonics pack on TPT but you if like me on facebook and click on fan freebies you can pick it up for free. I copy pages 3-6 of these front to back on color paper and laminate and they use them to figure out words while reading alone or coaching a friend.
The next thing I could not do one day without in my room is the morning work routine I created for the entire year.
I had found something similar I loved but it wasn't for my grade level (2nd) so I made my own and tweaked it to fit my class. Having a good morning work routine that requires no teacher assistance and very little preparation is a must for any teacher. With my routine I make a couple of copies at the beginning of the month, rotate a basket every Friday, and check their work on Fridays. I love it and it requires so little of my time. It's 20% this weekend so check it out.
Don't forget to stop by these ladies blogs to find more wonderful ideas!

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