Second Grade Perks: Cyber Monday Blog Hop Stop #25


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cyber Monday Blog Hop Stop #25

Today Primary Powers and GoNoodle are coming together to share with you some great ways to use GoNoodle in your classroom! This is stop #25 on your hop. If you missed the others you can hop back to the first stop {HERE}

If you haven't heard of GoNoodle it allows students to get up and moving. The way I use it in my class is on Fridays. Fridays is our testing day and I like to give students a little break in between having to be so quiet and sit so still for so long. They love and look forward to it every Friday!

Starting on Cyber Monday, GoNoodle is also offering all Primary Powers readers 30% purchases from the GoNoodle Shop through December 8! Use the code POWERS30 at checkout to receive the discount PLUS a special gift from GoNoodle and Primary Powers. In addition to new t-shirts, tumblers, and other goodies for GoNoodling teachers, you can purchase affordable, pre-wrapped gift packs for students to bring a little GoNoodle love to your classroom this holiday.

You can also enter to win a GoNoodle tumbler by entering the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now make sure you keep hopping on to the final stop.

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