There are 18 amazing products you could win and what better time to win them than the start to a brand new year. Take a look at all of these amazing products!
The giveaway will run from August 9th-12th. All you have to do is head over to Lucky To Be In First or A Burst of First and enter! Good Luck!
If you haven't already, make sure you follow me on bloglovin and like my facebook page by clicking {HERE} to grab this week's freebie which is my I'm Done Centers.
There are 6 different I'm done centers with options for what that student can do along with the task cards needed for each center.
Hope you enjoy!
One last thing before I go. Teachers Notebook is having their big back to school event August 10th -18th so check out my TN shop for 25% off all items! I'm also giving away a free product of your choice for one lucky winner. All you have to do to be entered is make a purchase from my TN shop that is at least $5 or more between August 10th-18th!

Wow, what a lot of great prizes. Thanks for sharing.