Second Grade Perks: Unkas The Reading Dog and Tasty Tuesday


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Unkas The Reading Dog and Tasty Tuesday

I discovered the neatest thing in my county. A lady has a dog named Unkas that she takes to the schools in our county and the kids go out in the hall one at a time and get to read to it. My kiddos LOVED this today. Here are some pictures.

We also started Tasty Tuesday this week. If you haven't heard of this you HAVE to check it out. The kids get to "cook" something one Tuesday every month and then write a review. I even bought aprons for mine and had Mrs. Perkins' Chef put on them. They looked too cute. We made Carmel apples this time. The kids thought it was just the neatest thing. Click here to get the Tasty Tuesday directions from Sunny Days in Second Grade. Check out some of our apples.
I have parents volunteer to pick up the pictures each month so I don't put the kids face. That's their number so we know who is who. You keep their pictures and recipes and make a book at the end of the year to show their writing progress.
This kid went crazy with the sprinkles.


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