So I used the famous clip chart for my behavior management system last year, but this year I was told about something a little different and my kiddos LOVE it. It is called Class Dojo and it is all online. Each student gets to select a little "monster" as my class calls them and their name is beside their monster all day. We have Elmos at my school so I can project this up on the screen for them to see.
You can enter whatever behavior you want. You get to enter positive and negative behavior and choose icons for them. I am using whole brain teaching this year so I use those behaviors plus some others such as helping others, no homework, etc.
Well, whenever you have a student do something good or not so good you give them a point. When you have started giving points during the day the screen will look more like this:
Some of the great things about this is it is FREE. If you have internet access on your phone you can take it in the hallway with your class or over to the carpet if you go there as a class to read. AND when you give them a point it makes a neat chiming sound and when you take a point away it makes a sad sound.
My students have a daily calendar in their take home folder and at the end of the day they either put + or - and their number of points. BUT you can also email the reports to the parents so they can see specifically what their child lost or earned points for that day. At the end of the week I let my kids add their + points and subtract their - points and that is the number of points they get to spend in the treasure chest, so we don't have to mess with the whole ticket system. Another idea I use with this is my kids each get 2 pencils per day at the end of the day if they cannot show me those 2 pencils they have to "buy" new ones with their points. This has really helped them take responsibility for keeping up with their belongings.
Hope this is something you can use. Let me know if you try it out and if you like it or not. It has been a lifesaver for me!