Yesterday I brought you ideas I found on Pinterest you can use in your home. If you missed it you can read that post {HERE}. Today I want to share some ideas for your classroom. Click on any of the pictures to be taken to where I found the pin.
The first one I did in my classroom this past year. An awning for my CAFE board out of wrapping paper. It doesn't have to be used for CAFE only. The possibilities are endless for this awesome idea. It took a while to get it all straight but thank goodness it stayed up all year!
The next idea that I want to try this next year are the adorable girl scout seats.
are so many ideas for these....take them outside when you hold lessons outdoors, let kids use them to read around the room, time out seats, etc. All you do is cut out 2 circles of vinyl and put a piece of quilting between them and sew the edges closed with a ribbon. Easy Peasy!
There is not a link for this next one but it's pretty self explanatory.
This last one I want to share I also used last year in my room and all of the other teachers loved it.
It looked like it might be difficult and take some time but it really didn't. Just pick your favorite color tissue paper and grab a stapler and get busy. You'll be finished in no time!
I hope you found something here today you can take back and use in your own classroom. Thanks for reading!