It is about a wolf that goes to a farm and sees all of the animals reading. He then decides to learn to read but first he reads way too slow. Next, he reads way too fast. The last time he reads it is the perfect speed and all of the animals want him to keep reading. SO CUTE!! The kids just got it after hearing the book. They knew exactly what was meant by fluent reader. Just had to share that with you.
I also want to share some freebies. We learned about subject and predicate a couple of weeks ago and I made these mini posters. Click on the picture to grab yours.
I have one more freebie for you today. My school has gotten into accountable talk and has pushed us to use it. I created these posters and stuck them on my wall (mostly to help me remember to use them). It has been amazing seeing the kids use these posters. When they answer my questions I hear things like I agree with so and so because...... Yes, you read right. They tell me why without me even asking. I love it. I also made some bookmarks that we use during small groups. If you will follow me on Bloglovin by clicking on the picture below and like me on facebook by clicking {HERE} you can download the set of posters and bookmarks for free from my fan freebies link on my facebook page.
Here is what they look like:
I just want to leave you with a sneak peek at what I am working on and should be finished with very soon. It is a place value mini unit. The first thing in the pack is an awesome place value pirate hat activity that gets the kids up and moving while working on different ways to represent a number. I'm trying it out for the first time with my class tomorrow and am pretty excited. I'll leave you with an image just to wet your appetite : )
Happy Sunday!

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