Almost everyone has started back to school and if you are looking for some awesome things to do with your class this year look no further.
I have teamed up with Educents with some instant downloads for you! Loaded with great activities like interactive notebooks, Literacy, math, science that stretches throughout the year! Click {HERE}
My product included will surely be loved by your students! From my TPT shop you will find Figuring Out the Main Idea and Back to School Math and Literacy Centers. If your students struggle with main idea this packet is loaded with games, activities, centers, and crafts to help them understand this difficult but important skill. The math and literacy centers will be a great way to start off your first few weeks of school with basic skill games.
That's not all. This bundle is loaded with products from other great sellers as well.
For a limited time it is $24.99 from Educents which is about 78% off! 24 products for literacy, math, and science - resources that will stretch you long into your year. And over 1200 pages of materials ready for you to use - there is sure to be tons you will love! Click {HERE}
You can also take peek at some of the other products included in the bundle at any of the links below!