I first wanted to let you kow that I recently opened a
Teacher's Notebook Shop. Head on over and check it out if you get a chance and become a follower. It has all the same items as my
TPT store, but I know some of you may prefer one over the other.
I have been wanting something to start my day off with that has meaning. I came up with Daily Common Core Math Warm-Ups. The way I designed it is 3 questions per day that covers the math common core standards. There are enough for a full school year. I thought what better way to introduce new skills the kiddos have never seen before. That way when we get to that skill in the year it won't be brand new to them. They will already have the basic concept down, making my job much easier. Also, if it is a skill I have already covered that's ok too because you know you always have those one or two students that did not get it the first time and it refreshes their memory on an old skill instead of teaching it once and forgetting to ever go back to it again.
The way I plan to use it is put the 3 questions up on my overhead in the morning (easy enough) and then have them bring their answers to morning meeting where I can then have mini lessons on the topics covered. If you hop on over to my TPT store you can pick it up. I want to do something a little special for my blog followers soooooo if you purchase my new math warm ups and send me a comment on this blog post that you did, you can pick any other item in my shop that is the same price or lower to be sent to you for free. So in your comment leave the item you want and your email.
Now I know this concept is not a new one, but I wanted it to be aligned to the common core standards since that is what I will be teaching next year, so I just created my own. Here are some sample pages. Click
here to be taken to the product page at my TPT store and
here for TN.
I have also been invited to join in a big giveaway soon. Keep watching for more details on that. Have a great Fourth of July!!!!